Thinning & Windsail Reductions

Improving Tree Health and Safety

Thinning and windsail reduction are selective tree pruning techniques.

Thinning selectively removes branches to increase light penetration and air movement through the crown and reduces the weight on heavy limbs to retain the tree’s natural shape.

Reduction trims the height or spread of a tree by pruning back the leaders and branch terminals to lateral branches that are large enough to assume the terminal roles (at least one-third the diameter of the cut stem). This helps maintain the form and structural integrity of the tree.

Because more air then passes through the canopy instead of pushing against it, trees move less and are less susceptible to wind damage in storms.

Thinning and windsail reduction allow sunlight to penetrate to interior foliage, which helps keep interior branches alive. The diameter of the main branches increases near the trunk, making the main branches stronger.

Increased air flow allows more light to reach the ground beneath the tree and may reduce the incidence of some foliage diseases.

Thinning and reducing a tree properly and carefully leaves the tree centered, balanced, safe and attractive.



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