Info Center

Trunk & Bark

Checking on your tree's trunk and bark can help you spot problems and correct them before they get worse.

  • Has the bark been injured by mowing equipment, vehicles, animals or girdling wires?
  • Can you see evidence of insect activity (holes, chewing marks, tunnels, etc.)?
  • Are there splits or cracks in the bark, and if so, on what side of the tree? Sunscald injury, frost, and lightning are all factors that can cause the bark to split or break apart.
  • Is the tree in an exposed, windy location?
  • Do you see any wet, sticky substances oozing from the bark?
  • Is there evidence of decay or hollowing of the trunk?
  • Is fungus growing from the trunk?
  • Are there wounds or dead areas (called cankers) evident on the branches or trunk?
  • Does your tree show brown or green streaks?
  • Has your tree been struck by lightning?

These conditions may indicate insect or bacterial infestation, sunscald, wind or frost damage, internal wood decay, careless treatment or other problems. Our arborists can assess the cause of any trunk and bark problems and recommend solutions, including proper pruning, chemical treatment, even replacement when necessary. For the safety of your home, it is vital that you seek a professional assessment when you notice any bark or trunk problems.

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